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Nautilus 61 AT: 58 990.00 CZK / 2 379.00 €
Nautilus 88 AT: 71 290.00 CZK / 2 899.00 €



Pracovné stanice


KORG NAUTILUS AT špecifikácie

[Systém, klaviatúra]

Systém: KRONOS System Version 3.0

88 klávesov: RH3 (Real Weighted Hammer Action 3), A - C
61 klávesov: Natural Touch Semi Weighted, C – C
Podporuje dynamickú citlivosť a aftertouch.

[Zvukový generátor]

Typy syntézy: 9
SGX-2 Premium Piano (Akustické piano)
EP-1 MDS Electric Piano (Elektrické piano)
HD-1 High Definition Synthesizer (PCM)
AL-1 Analog Synthesizer (Analógový modeling)
CX-3 Tonewheel Organ (Modeling elektrofonického organu) 
STR-1 Plucked String (Fyzikálny modeling)
MOD-7 Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer (VPM syntéza)
MS-20EX Component Modeling Technology (Analógový modeling)
PolysixEX Component Modeling Technology (CMT Analógový modeling)

Maximálna polyfónia*1*2:
SGX-2: 100 hlasov*3
EP-1: 104 hlasov
HD-1: 140 hlasov
AL-1: 80 hlasov
CX-3: 200 hlasov
STR-1: 40 hlasov
MOD-7: 52 hlasov
MS-20EX: 40 hlasov
PolysixEX: 180 hlasov

*1: Vo vzácnych prípadoch, pri veľkom počte súčasne aktívnych efektov náročných na procesor (napríklad viac ako 14 O-Verbov), sa môže polyfónia mierne zredukovať.

*2: Časť viacjadrového procesora v KRONOSe je určená na generovanie hlasov, a samostatná časť na generovanie efektov. KRONOS dynamicky alokuje procesorový výkon hlasov medzi zvukovými jadrami tak, ako je to potrebné. Uvedené maximálne počty hlasov platia keď je 100 % hlasového výkonu priradených jednému zvukovému jadru.

*3: 100 duálnych-stereo nôt (ekvivalent 400 mono hlasov)

Presetové PCM:
496 MB / DISK 2.3G (ROM 1,771 multisamplov, 3,955 bicích samplov)

Vstavané rozširujúce PCM knižnice:
EXs301: German2 D Piano
EXs302: Italian F Piano
EXs303: Japanese Upright U Piano
EXs304: Prepared Piano
EXs305: Historical Keyboards
EXs306: Vintage Keyboards 2
EXs307: Strings & Synths
EXs308: Guitar Collection
EXs309: Bass Collection
EXs310: World Essence
EXs311: Background Loops
EXs312: SFX & Hits
EXs313: Found Percussions
EXs314: Expansion Drums

PCM RAM kapacita:
Pribl. 2GB *4

*4: Pamäť dostupná pre režim Sampling sa mení podľa použitých rozširujúcich PCM knižníc a užívateľskej banky samplov. Po dodaní z výroby je dostupných pribl. 760 MB (pri nahratí súboru s názvom “PRELOAD.KSC”).

Wave sekvencie: 
598 Užívateľská pamäť, 377 Prednahratých
Podpora pre stereo multisample, synchronizáciu jednotlivých nôt a nastavenia tempa.

[SGX-2 Program]

Premium Piano: 
Stereo sampling každej noty, Chromaticky samplovaných až 12 úrovní dynamiky, bez slučkovania. 
Je reprodukovaná damper rezonancia a hluk nechaniky.
Podpora Una Corda samplov.

EXs301 – German2 D Piano
12 úrovní dynamiky, vrátane typu/samplov Ambience Piano
EXs302 – Italian F Piano
12 úrovní dynamiky, bez Una Corda samplov
EXs303 – Japanese Upright U Piano
8 úrovní dynamiky
Exs304 – Prepared Piano 
1-4 úrovne dynamiky

Typy pián: 128 
(Pri továrenskom nastavení, 64 druhov EXs6: German D Piano, EXs7: Japanese C Piano, EXs12: SGX-1 Austrian D Piano, EXs17: Berlin D Piano nehrá zvuk. Treba stiahnuť možnosti. Budú vydané neskôr.))

Ovládanie oscilátora: 
Damper Resonance,
Damper Noise,
Mechanical Noise,
Note Release,
Modeled String Resonance,
Una Corda.

[EP-1 Program]

MDS Electric Piano: 
Typy elektrických pián tine a reed generované Multi-Dimensional Syntézou (MDS), a vintage efektami.

Typy modelov elektrických pián: 7
Tine EP I Early, Tine EP I Late, Tine EP II, Tine EP V, Tine EP DMP, Reed EP200, Reed EP200A

Ovládanie oscilátora: 
Harmonic Sound Level, Attack Noise, Level, Release Noise Level, Attack Brightness, Hammer Width

Ovládanie panela:
Tine Type: 
Preamp Volume, Tone (Treble, Bass), Vibrate (On/Off, Intensity, Speed), Amp/Cabinet (On/Off, Drive)

Reed Type:
Preamp Volume, Tone (Treble, Bass), Vibrate (Intensity, Speed), Amp/Cabinet (On/Off, Drive)

Typy efektov: 9
Small Phase, Orange Phase, Black Phase, Vintage Chorus, Black Chorus, EP Chorus, Vintage Flanger, Red Comp, VOX Wah

[HD-1 Program]

Advanced Vector Synthesis: 
Ovládanie hlasitostí oscilátorov a parametrov syntézy a efektov pomocou vektorového joysticku a vektorovej obálky synchronizovanej do tempa. 

Single: iba OSC1, Double: OSC1 a OSC2.
Double režim umožní vrstviť dva úplne samostatné syntetizátorové hlasy, každý so svojím vlastným oscilátorom prepínaným dynamikou, duálnym filtrom, obálkami, LFO, atď.
Drums: jedna sada bicích, Double Drums: dve sady bicích.

8 rýchlostných zón pre oscilátor s prepínaním, prelínaním a vrstvením
Každá zóna môže hrať mono alebo stereo multisample, alebo wave sekvencie

Dva multi-režimové filre na hlas (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass a band-reject), štyri režimy zapojenia filtrov (single, serial, parallel a 24 dB)

Tri pásma s parametrickými stredmi

Obvod nelineárneho drivera a low boost pre hlas

Tri generátory obálok, dva LFO pre hlas, všeobecný LFO, 4 generátory sledovania klávesov, AMS (Alternate Modulation Source), dva AMS mixy
Funkcia Quick Layer / Split

[EXi Program Common]

Advanced Vector Synthesis: 
Ovládanie hlasitostí oscilátorov a parametrov syntézy a efektov pomocou vektorového joysticku a vektorovej obálky synchronizovanej do tempa. 

Všeobecný Step Sequencer, AMS (Alternate Modulation Source), všeobecný LFO, 2 generátory sledovania klávesov

Tri pásma s parametrickými stredmi

[AL-1 Program]

Ultra-nízky aliasing, OSC1, OSC2, Sub-oscilátor a šumový generátor; kruhová modulácia, FM a Sync 

Audio vstup: 
Externé audio sa dá procesovať kruhovým modulátorom, filtrom, driverom, zosilňovačom a ekvalizérom

Dva multi-režimové filre na hlas (low-pass, high-pass, band-pass a band-reject), štyri režimy zapojenia filtrov (single, serial, parallel a 24 dB), Multi Filter režim (iba Filter-A; modulovateľný mix Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass a suchého vstupu pre tvorbu širokej palety unikátnych typov filtrov a efektov)

Obvod nelineárneho drivera a low boost pre hlas

Päť generátorov obálok, štyri LFO pre hlas, dva AMS mixy; Step Sequencer pre hlas.
Funkcia Quick Layer / Split

[CX-3 Program]

Tonewheel Organ Modeling: 
Phase-synchronous tonewheels (clean and vintage modes), percussion, key click, wheel brake

EX Mode: 
Four additional, user-specified drawbars, and expanded percussion.

Internal Effects: 
Rotary speaker, vibrato/chorus, amp modeling with overdrive, 3-band EQ

Drawbar Control: 
Controlled via nine front-panel sliders (via Tone Adjust)

Upper, Lower (even in EX mode)

Two AMS mixers

 [STR-1 Program]

Physically Modeled String: 
Includes physically modeled damping, decay, dispersion, nonlinearity, harmonics, dual pickups, and more. Most string parameters can be controlled in realtime.

String Excitation: 
Three independent excitation sources can be used simultaneously: Pluck, Noise, and PCM. 16 preset “pluck” types, with modulatable width and randomization. Noise generator with saturation and dedicated low pass filter

PCM Oscillator:
KORG’s ultra-low-aliasing technology, as introduced in the HD-1; 4 velocity zones per oscillator; Uses any mono Multisamples, including ROM, EXs, User Sample Bank, or Sampling Mode. Supports Virtual Memory.

Excitation Filter: 
Dedicated 2-pole multimode filter for shaping the string excitation. Filter can be enabled/disabled separately for each excitation source. Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Reject modes

Audio Input and Feedback: 
Run real-time audio through the string, including feedback through effects. Modeled feedback includes modulate-able instrument-to-amp distance and orientation.

Dual multi-mode filters per voice; Single, Serial, Parallel (with split stereo output), and 24dB (4-pole) configurations. Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Reject modes

Multi Filter Mode (Filter A only).
Modulatable mix of Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and dry input, for creating a wide variety of unique filter types and effects

5 Envelopes, 4 per-voice LFOs, 2 Key Track generators, String Tracking generators, 4 AMS Mixers.

[MOD-7 Program]

Waveshaping VPM Synthesizer: 
Combines Variable Phase Modulation (VPM), Waveshaping ring modulation, PCM sample playback, and subtractive synthesis; Able to convert-load SYX files.

6 VPM/Waveshaper/Ring Modulation Oscillators: 
Phase and modulatable pitch per oscillator. 101 Waveshaper tables plus modulatable Drive and Offset. Use as oscillators, or as Waveshapers or Ring Modulators for other signals.

PCM Oscillator: 
KORG’s ultra-low-aliasing technology, as introduced in the HD-1. 4 velocity zones per oscillator.Uses any mono Multisamples, including ROM, EXs, User Sample Bank, or Sampling Mode. Supports Virtual Memory.

Audio input: 
Run real-time audio through the VPM Oscillators and filters.

Dual multi-mode filters per voice. (Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and Band Reject modes) , Two types of filter looping (Parallel and 24 dB “4-Pole”)

Multi Filter mode (Filter A only):
Modulatable mix of Low Pass, High Pass, Band Pass, and dry input, for creating a wide variety of unique filter types and effects

Patch Panel: 
Supports both preset algorithm (78 types) selection and free patching.Three 2-in, 1-out mixers for scaling and merging audio, fully modulatable, with phase inversion. Main 6-input stereo mixer, with modulatable pan and volume, plus phase inversion

10 Envelopes, 4 per-voice LFOs, 9 Key Tracking generators, Per-voice Step Sequencer, 4 standard AMS Mixers plus 4 simple AMS Mixers.

[MS-20EX Program]

Ultra-low-aliasing oscillators; VCO1, VCO2, Ring Mod, Pink and White Noise Generator

Audio Input: 
Run real-time audio through the synthesis engine and ESP (External Signal Processor)

12dB/octave High Pass and Low Pass self-resonant filters

ESP section:
24dB/octave Low Cut and High Cut filters, available per voice.

Patch Panel: 
Patchable audio and modulation, at audio rates

Patch Points: 
Keyboard CV Out, Keyboard Trigger Out, VCO1+VCO2 CV In, VCO2 CV In

VCO1+VCO2 External Frequency Control In, VCO1 Out, VCO2 Out

External Signal In, External HP Filter Cutoff Frequency Control In, External LP Filter Cutoff Frequency Control In, HPF Out, LPF In, LPF Out

Total External Modulation In

External Initial Gain Control In, VCA In

EG1 Envelope Signal Normal Out, EG1 Envelope Signal Reverse Out, EG1+EG2 Trigger In, EG1 Trigger In, EG2 Envelope Signal Reverse Out

Triangle Out, Rectangle Out

Noise Generator:
Pink Noise Out, White Noise Out

Sample and Hold:
Clock Trigger In, Sample Signal In, S/H Out

Modulation VCA:
Control Voltage In, Signal In, Signal Out

Manual Controller:
Control Wheel Out, Momentary Switch

Signal In, AMP Out, BPF In, BPF Out, F-V CV Out, Envelope Out, Trigger Out

EXi Audio In, Mixer 1 In, Mixer 1 Out, Mixer 2 In, Mixer 2 Out

ESP (External Signal Processor):
Use incoming audio as a trigger and/or CV source.

Original DAR (Delay, Attack, Release) and HADSR (Hold, Attack, Decay, Sustain, Release) EGs 1 &2,
Original MG (with MIDI sync), Sample-and- Hold, MVCA, NAUTILUS: 4 additional multi-stage Envelopes, 4 additional per-voice LFOs, and 4 AMS Mixers.

[PolysixEX Program]

VCO: Saw, Pulse, PWM
Sub Oscillator: Off, 1 octave below, 2 octaves below

24dB(4-Pole) Octave Low Pass self-resonant filter

Integrated Polysix Chorus, Phaser, and Ensemble

Integrated MIDI-synced arpeggiator, with adjustable Range, Mode, and Latch

Polysix: Original ADSR EG and MG (with MIDI sync).
NAUTILUS: 2 additional multi-stage Envelopes, 2 additional per-voice LFOs, and 4 AMS Mixers.


Number of Timbres, Master Keyboard Functionality: 
16 Maximum 
Keyboard and velocity splits, layers, and crossfades of up to 16 Programs and/or external MIDI Devices
The tone adjust parameter function lets you modify program settings, and the master keyboard function lets you control external MIDI devices

Advanced Vector Synthesis: 
Control oscillator volumes and synthesis & effects parameters via the Vector Joystick and the tempo-synchronized Vector Envelope.
Quick Layer / Split function


Assignable stereo/mono samples with 8 velocity zones per oscillator (with crossfade functions)

[Number of Programs/Combinations/Drum kits] 
2,560 user memory programs (1,920 [1,280 HD-1+640 EXi] come preloaded)
1,792 user memory combinations (256 come preloaded)
264 user memory drum kits (104 come preloaded)
256 GM Level2 preset programs + 9 GM Level 2 drum preset programs

[Set List]

Number of Set Lists/Slots: 
128 set lists, 128 slots per set list
Each set list provides a 9-band graphic EQ, and a Tone Adjust function that allows program settings to be adjusted. Transpose setting. Hold Time setting of Smooth Sound Transition (SST) supported for each slot.


Open Sampling System (resampling, In-Track sampling)

Bit Depth/Sampling Frequency:
RAM: 16-bit/48 kHz stereo/mono sampling
DISK: 16 or 24-bit/48 kHz 

Sampling Time: 
RAM: Depends on the amount of available PCM RAM
DISK: Maximum 80 minutes stereo (879MB: 16bit)

Sample Locations: 
16,000 samples/4,000 multisamples (128 indexes per multisample)

KORG format, AKAI S1000/S3000 data (with advanced Program parameter conversion); SoundFont 2.0, AIFF, and WAVE formats

Time Stretch, Time Slice, Crossfade Loop, and other standard editing features.


Insert Effects: 12
Stereo in / stereo out

Master Effects: 2
Stereo in / stereo out

Total Effects: 
Stereo in / stereo out

Timbre EQ: 
One 3-band EQ for each timbre/track

Effect Types: 197

Dynamic Modulation and Common LFO

Effects Control Busses: 
Stereo side-chaining for compressors, gates, vocoders, etc.

Effect Presets:  
Total 783 preset, Maximum 32 per 1 effect (Preset User)


Arpeggiator Modules: 
One module in Program mode, two modules in Combination and Sequencer modes

Arpeggio Pattern: 
5 presets + ARP A 2,048 slots (1,593 come Preload) + ARP B 128 slots

On/Off, Latch, Gate, Velocity, Length, Swing, Tempo

[Drum Track]

Drum Track Patterns: 
1,272 preset (common with the preset patterns of the MIDI sequencer)
1,000 user patterns
Patterns created in Sequencer mode can be converted to drum track user patterns.
Trigger Mode/ Sync / Zone / Swing, Drum SD, Tempo settings can be specified.


16-track MIDI sequencer + 16-track hard disk recorder + 1 master track. 

Number of Songs: 
200 songs


40.00 – 300.00 (1/100 BPM resolution)

Maximum Memory: 
400,000 MIDI events or 300,000 audio events

MIDI Tracks: 
16 tracks plus the master track, 697 preset / 100 user patterns (per song), 18 preset/16 user template songs,

KORG (NAUTILUS, KRONOS, OASYS) format, SMF formats 0 and 1.

Audio Tracks: 
16-track playback, 4-track simultaneous recording, WAV file format 16bit/24bit. 
Maximum Single-file Recording Time (mono): 
80 minutes 

Volume, Pan, EQ, and Send1/2; 10,000 regions (max.), Event Anchors, BPM Adjust
RPPR (Realtime Pattern Play and Record):
1 Pattern set per song

Auto Song Setup function


Disk Mode:
Load, save, utility, data filer function (save/load MIDI System Exclusive data), CD-R/RW (UDF format read/write), ISO9660 Level 1. 

Joystick, Switches 1 & 2
Arpeggiator Control: On/Off, Latch, Gate, Velocity, Length, Swing, Tempo
DRUM TRACK: On/Off, Swing, Drum SD, Tempo

Grafické 7-palcové TFT rozhranie TouchView, WVGA (800 x 480 bodov), nastaviteľný jas

Základné špecifikácie:
Frekvenčný rozsah: 20 Hz - 22 kHz, +/-1.0dB, 10 kΩ záťaž
THD+N: 20 Hz - 22 kHz, 0.01 %, 10 kΩ záťaž (typicky)
S/N: 95 dB (typicky)
Dynamický rozsah: 95 dB (typicky)
Presluch: 95 dB, pri 1 kHz (typicky)

L/MONO, R, Individuálne 1-4:
1/4” TRS symetrické
Výstupná impedancia: 350 Ω Stereo; 175 Ω Mono (iba L/MONO), 
Nominálna úroveň: +4.0 dBu, 
Maximálna úroveň: +16.0 dBu (pri záťažovej impedancii 600 Ω alevo väčšej)

1/4” stereo jack
Výstupná impedancia: 33 Ω,
Maximálna úroveň: 60 + 60 mW (pri záťažovej impedancii 33 Ω), 
USB-B:  24-bit, Samplovacia frekvencia: 48 kHz, 2 kanály  
(Digitálny výstup tých istých signálov ako AUDIO OUTPUT (MAIN) L/MONO a R)

Audio vystupy 1 a 2:
1/4” TRS symetrické
Vstupná impedancia: 10 kΩ
Nominálna úroveň: LINE +4 dBu
Maximálna úroveň: LINE +16 dBu
Nominálna úroveň: MIC –22 dBu
Maximálna úroveň: MIC -10 dBu
Zdrojová impedancia: 600 Ω

USB-B: 24-bit, Samplovacia frekvencia: 48 kHz, 2 kanály

Riadiace vstupy: 
Damper pedál (half damper je podporovaný), priraditeľný spínač, priraditeľný pedál

In, Out, Thru

USB A (TYP A) : Na pripojenie externých USB zariadení (QWERTY klaviatúry, MIDI kontroléry, ethernet adaptéry a úložiská) 
USB B (TYP B) : MIDI/audio rozhranie, MIDI: 1 vstup (16 kanálov) / 1 výstup (16 kanálov), Audio: 2 kanály vstup / 2 kanály výstup
*2 vysokorýchlostné USB porty (podporujú 480 Mbps)

60 GB SSD (2.5”)

Zdroj napájania: 
sieťová zásuvka, spínač napájania

Rozmery: (Š x H x V) 
88 klávesov:  1437 x 387 x 139 mm
73 klávesov:  1227 x 386 x 116 mm 
61 klávesov:  1062 x 386 x 116 mm 

88 klávesov:  23.1 kg
73 klávesov:  14.6 kg
61 klávesov:  13.0 kg

Spotreba energie:
40 W

napájací kábel, príručka pre rýchly začiatok


== Hardvér ==

XVP-20: Expression/Volume pedál
EXP-2: Nožný ovládač 
DS-1H: Damper pedál
PS-1: Pedálový spínač
PS-3: Pedálový spínač